Re: a point is being missed

Scott Barman (scott@Disclosure.COM)
Wed, 8 Nov 1995 12:00:47 -0500

On Mon, 6 Nov 1995, Casper Dik wrote:

> Let me say first that I don't speak for SunSoft.  This doesn't
> change the fact that it is nearly impossible to do static linking
> on Solaris 2.x.  (And static dynamic linking is a slip of the keyboard).

Unfortunatly, it is attitudes like this that will prevent Solaris from
ever being able to statically link binaries.  This attitude seems to be
prevelant among all my contacts with Sun.

> I have not yet seen any good arguments against dynamic linking.

Anonymous FTP: So you can put a copy of "ls" in the chroot area without
having to copy, and expose, the libraries.  So you can include a program
that will allow the user to search your archive (see the "quote site
index" command for again, without exposing your
libraries to attack.  Another example later.

> Environment variables and other environmentel tricks have always been
> possible in Unix.  The LD* variables have made the need for
> environmental control much more obvious.  su/login/sendmail didn't
> do proper cleanup and passed almost any environment variable to
> sub processes.  That was not a problem introduced by dynamic linking.
> It was a problem that had existed for a long time but that had gone largely
> unnoticed.  Even $TERM is dangerous in some circumstances.

Dynamic linking adds exposure to another aspect of your system.  Leave
the libraries open for attack through a program that has to run setuid
or setgid and they will be attacked.  Maybe not now, but they will be.

> First of all: all authentication programs are extensible through dynamic
> linking, all localized programs are extensible through dynamic linking,
> etc.  Dynamic linking is required.

"Extensible through dynamic linking"?  How so?  Please explain?  What
are we going to do, leave it dynamic so login user can add their own
options on the fly?  Sounds real secure to me!

> >No, I'm sorry, Sun may be unwilling to go to the trouble to link login
> >static (and indeed, they probably are - they've demonstrated an
> >unwillingness to go to any sort of trouble for the sake of security
> >until prodded by wide publicity of a problem).  But claiming that
> >they're unable to just doesn't hold up.
> You're being unfair.  Sun is pretty open about security.  We publish
> security patches for problems not widely know.

Gee... then why hasn't Sun done something about sendmail so we can get
off the sendmail advisory of the month club??

> Besides, I don't share you opinion that linking login statically contributes
> to the security of Solaris 2.x.

It limits the attackable objects to one item, which can be secured far
better than the program plus EIGHT libraries currently being used by the
Solaris 2.4 login program.  What's easier to tie down, nine items or one?

Oh... and a program, like login, can be made to be executable only (no
read permissions).  You cannot have dynamic libraries without read
permissions, dlopen() will fail (I just tried that one!).  So I can
better secure login but not the libraries.

> In Solaris 2.6, what would you rather have: a statically linked login or
> a totally dynamically configurable login?

Sun, or anyone else, can make login configurable with a statically
linked program.  Having something configurable is NOT does not mean
having to be dynamically linked!

Besides, what kind of configuration options do you need?  There are
parameters in /etc/default/login that pretty much covers everything
(with some exceptions I think would be worth looking into).  Do you need
a dynamic library to process that file?  I don't think so!

scott barman
scott barman                  DISCLAIMER: I speak to anyone who will listen,                      and I speak only for myself.
  "I don't know if security explains why the Win95 support Web servers run BSDI
   2.0--an Intel-based Unix--rather than Windows NT, which Microsoft insists is
   the ideal Web software solution.  Does Redmond know something we don't know?"
             -Robert X. Cringely, INFORWORLD, 9/11/95